Emptying Into Fullness Retreat with Daphne Tse & Jade Wood


Mala Dhara Yoga Retreat Center Chiang Mai


Start: 2:00 PM - June 1, 2019

End: 12:00 PM - June 5, 2019

Emptying Into Fullness Retreat

with Daphne Tse & Jade Wood

1-5 June 2019

Mala Dhara Yoga Retreat Center

Chiang Mai Thailand

Daphne Tse and Jade Wood retreat at Mala Dhara Chiang Mai Thailand

Stillness & silence, somatic yin yoga, soul-songs & ecstatic dance ~ we welcome you on a retreat that fully embraces your full spectrum of being.


Each day will be an opportunity to go deeper into a felt sense of connection with yourself and each other. We will take time to settle our nervous systems through the slow practice of Somatic Yin Yoga and in reflective silence. Then awaken our creative energy with Soul Songs and Ecstatic Dance. This potent combination of Yin and Yang energies offers participants the opportunity to both rest and reflect inwards and also activate and celebrate through shared resonance of movement and song!

The sessions will be offered both morning and evening in the open air and poolside salas at the exquisite nature retreat of Mala Dhara in Northern Thailand and we will have essential time in-between to rest, swim, write, dream or explore the gorgeous surroundings of the rice fields, waterfalls and caves.

Sumptuous live vegetarian and vegan food will be provided by the vibrant Mala Dhara kitchen with innovative adaptations of local dishes from Thailand including fermented and probiotic foods, fresh juices and decadent raw desserts.

Following this we journey into the heart of the retreat to reclaim inner space though gentle embodiment practices including guided body scanning meditations and Yoga Nidra, following our sensations inwards before opening up to express the bright resonance of our shared voices and wild dances.

Reclaiming our power through movement, stillness and sound this retreat has something special for everyone. We each have a vibrant inner world, a voice, a body, a hidden truth, a yearning for quietness and an equal need to express ourselves and share the vibrancy of life.

Daphne and Jade bring their unique skills and years of experience in guiding transformational group experiences to help you embrace this beautiful duality.


If you are interested in joining us for this retreat, please send us an email at [email protected] and we can send you all details.

** packages available starting at US$895 per person! **



On the first night of the retreat we will begin with a sacred sweat – an open community celebration where we will raise our voices in song and Bhakti and then go to prepare our own special scrub mix made from locally sourced organic ingredients – coffee, rice grains, coconut, Thai herbs and oils – and then sit in the wood-fired sweat lodge to ritually release and prepare for our journey into the retreat. Inside the steam-dome the sound tones we share resonate deep into our bodies and when the need to rest and cool off comes there is the rice paddy terrace with a view of the stars.


Jade  Wood shares her love of embodiment through Somatic Yin and Body Awareness Meditation, a combination she has developed of Yin Yoga blended with Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement practice and Yoga Nidra. She brings her extensive knowledge of anatomy and energetics as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Yoga teacher trainer and internationally recognised bodyworker. Jade studied with the School of Sacred Arts, Paul Grilley and Angel Farmer and is continually adding to her learning library with ongoing postraduate trainings with Franklyn Sills, Paul Newton and teaching with the Body Intelligence Institute.


Daphne Tse is a spirited, soulful artist and teacher. Her passion for music started from a young age. Since her initial yoga class in 1994, she has explored merging her spiritual practice with her contemporary folk singer/songwriter style. She studied music at The University of Texas at Austin, The Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago and kirtan with Jai Uttal and travels extensively sharing her music around the globe. She has been featured on yoga music compilations and has released 5 albums.

Daphne has been teaching yoga since 2004 after completing a foundational teacher training in Venice, California. She is inspired by her friend and co-creator, Ellen Watson, with whom she has birthed Vibrance, a combination of ecstatic dance, sound, singing, and touch. She embraces the teachings of Shiva Rea, Erich Schiffman, Mark Whitwell, O.P. Tiwari and Ammachi in her daily practice. Daphne brings her soulful teachings and music to Mala Dhara and joy for living life fully.



[email protected]